Shire of Merredin Parking Amendment Local Law
Published on Wednesday, 26 February 2025 at 4:01:51 PM
Local Government 1995
Shire of Merredin Parking Amendment Local Law
Pursuant to Sections 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995 notice is hereby given that the Shire of Merredin proposes to make a Shire of Merredin Parking Amendment Local Law.
Purpose of the Parking Amendment Local Law:
To amend the Shire of Merredin Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2002 to reflect changes in other legislation and to increase the maximum and modified penalties that may be imposed.
Effect of the Parking Amendment Local Law
The Shire of Merredin Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2002 is amended.
Copies of the Shire of Merredin Parking Amendment Local Law may be inspected or obtained at the Shire of Merredin administration building, corner of King & Barrack Streets, Merredin WA 6415, during normal business hours.
The Shire of Merredin Parking Amendment Local law can also be viewed on the Shire of Merredin website at
Submissions on the Shire of Merredin Parking Amendment Local Law must be made in writing and are to be lodged with the undersigned via PO Box 42, Merredin WA 6415 or in person at the Shire of Merredin administration building, corner King and Barrack Street Merredin, on or before Tuesday, 22 April 2025.
For further information please contact Peter Zenni on (08) 9041 1611 or
Craig Watts
Chief Executive Officer
28 February 2025