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Welcome to the Shire of MERREDIN

Engineering / Works Services

The Engineering Services Division perform the following duties:

  • Road Construction
  • Road Maintenance
  • Drainage
  • Footpaths
  • Sign Maintenance
  • Refuse Facility
  • Crossovers
  • Merredin Cemetery
  • Major Projects

Road Maintenance / Drainage / Footpaths / Kerbs

The Council is responsible for the construction and maintenance of gravel and bitumen roads within the Shire, with the exception of those roads maintained by the WA Main Roads Department. This maintenance and construction function extends to the drainage systems, footpaths and kerbing. Reporting of potholes, damaged kerbs, footpaths, flooding of streets, or other minor maintenance requests can be done by contacting Council on the details provided below.

In March 2024, Council adopted a road hierarchy which differentiates rural and urban roads and their importance. Based on this importance level, the Shire will undertake maintenance and upgrades to maintain safe mobility and access. For further information, please contact the Shire on (08) 9041 1611. 

Damaged Street Signs

Street signs are the responsibility of the Council. All queries/complaints in relation to these are to be directed to Executive Manager of Engineering Services. Traffic Control signs, such as Stop, Give Way and Speed signs are the responsibility of Main Roads WA and all queries/complaints in relation to these are to be directed to Main Roads WA by phoning 9622 4777.


The portion of the driveway between the front boundary of your property and the road carriageway is known as the crossover. The location relative to boundaries and street corners is important.  Prior to a crossover being constructed, it is important to contact the Executive Manager of Engineering Services to confirm the details of any requirements. Within urban areas, brick paving and concrete can be used.

Merredin Cemetery

The Merredin Cemetery is located on the Merredin-Bruce Rock Road approximately 5km south of the Merredin townsite. For any queries in relation to persons buried at the Cemetery contact the Administration Officer by phone on 9041 1611 or email admin@merredin.wa.gov.au

Parks and Gardens

There are various Parks & Gardens in and around the Shire of Merredin which are maintained by the Shire Gardeners. They include:

Apex Park

This centrally located park is situated adjacent to Barrack Street and incorporates a large fenced lawn play area with a great range of playground equipment, a skatepark, toilet facilities, ample parking, free barbecue, picnic table shelters, seating and shaded areas.

Roy Little Park

This large open reserve is ideal for weddings and open air functions. The park is located adjacent to King Street (behind the Shire office) and has a large central water feature. Ducks and other water birds inhabit this popular family area. A prominent new feature in Roy Little Park is the Vietnam Veterans Reflection Pond Memorial – an attractive and purposeful place to sit and reflect on the service men and women who have heroically defended our country.

Lenihan Park

This cosy park is located on South Avenue, opposite St Mary's Primary School.

Lower French Park

Located at the corner of Hobbs and Hunter St, this is a triangular-shaped park containing playground equipment and large trees.

Merredin Heritage Precinct

The Merredin Heritage Precinct is focused around the railway reserve along Great Eastern Highway in the centre of town.

Contact Information

Executive Manager Engineering Services

Phone: (08) 9041 1611
Fax: (08) 9041 2379
Email: emes@merredin.wa.gov.au


Phone/Fax: (08) 9041 5210
Email: depot@merredin.wa.gov.au

Construction Supervisor

Mr Troy Davey
Mobile: 0427 411 993
*Roads and Paths

Maintenance Supervisor

Mr Dave Watson
Mobile: 0429 411 412
*Parks and Gardens