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Welcome to the Shire of MERREDIN

Community Engagement #YOURSAYMERREDIN

You can find more information on our community engagement initiatives here. We use the #YourSayMerredin on our social media to indicate when we are accepting public feedback. We have a ‘Community Engagement Framework and Toolkit’ that we use in instances of formal community engagement, or when we want to gather feedback from a large group of people. We also address aspects of our community engagement approach in our Strategic Community Plan that you can read here.

If you would like us to formally engage in community feedback on an issue, or have suggestions on how we can improve our community feedback processes, please call us on 9041 1611.

Review of Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

Do you have a disability? Care for or know someone with a disability?

The Shire of Merredin is reviewing its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2020 - 2025 and wants to hear from individuals and organisations who would like to have input into the review of current initiatives and the development of a new plan.

The Shire would also like to hear from other groups on how to be accessible and inclusive to those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, seniors, and others.

Comments close Friday, 31 January 2025, and can be completed online at bit.ly/merredindaip. Hard-copy surveys are also available for collection at the following locations:

  • Shire of Merredin Administration building
  • Merredin Visitor Centre
  • Merredin Community Resource Centre
  • Merredin Library
  • Cummins Theatre

Mail-out copies of the survey are also available by calling (08) 9041 1611

A focus group will be held at the Merredin Regional Library from 10:00am to 12:00pm on Monday, 3 February 2025. Please register your interest by visiting bit.ly/daipfocusgroup or by calling the Shire on (08) 9041 1611.

Completed surveys can be mailed to PO Box 42, Merredin WA 6415, emailed to admin@merredin.wa.gov.au, or handed in to the front counter at the Shire Administration Building located on the corner of King and Barrack Streets, Merredin.

The existing DAIP 2020 - 2025 is available on our website here.

A new DRAFT plan will be available in April 2025, please check the Shire of Merredin website for updates.

Craig Watts
Chief Executive Officer

Snap Send Solve

Filing a report with your local Shire has never been easier...

You can help Merredin stay safe by alerting the Shire of any issues arising in the community as they happen! Snap Send Solve is a free app that allows you to quickly and easily report issues and provide feedback to local council and Shire. It only takes 30 seconds and a push of a button!