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Welcome to the Shire of MERREDIN

Ranger Services

The Shire Ranger can investigate compliance within the community with the various local laws adopted by Council including - parking, thoroughfares, dogs, local government property, fencing and health. The Shire of Merredin generally only investigates complaints where full contact details are provided. The Shire maintains complainant details as confidential, however, these are subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 1992.  

Ranger WA Contract Ranger Services
Council Offices Cnr King and Barrack St, Merredin
Postal Address PO Box 42, Merredin WA 6415
Phone 0437 531 354
Email ranger@merredin.wa.gov.au

Dog & Cat Information

Dog Information

Dog Information

Under the provisions of the Dog Act 1976, all dogs within the Shire of Merredin over the age of three months must be registered. Registration is carried out at the Shire offices during normal office hours and is available for 1 year, 3 years and lifetime periods, commencing on 1 November each year.

All dogs must be contained on an owner's property or held on a lead at all times. The Shire of Merredin is concerned by the incidence of dogs roaming at large and your cooperation in registering and maintaining control of your dogs will be appreciated.

Substantial penalties may be imposed for non compliance with dog control legislation.

Click here to download print versions of the posters below.

Cat Information

Under the provisions of the Cat Act 2011, all cats within the Shire of Merredin over the age of 6 months must be registered and microchipped, with registration tags to be displayed in public places.

The owner of a cat that has reached 6 months of age must also ensure that the cat is sterilised by a veterinarian, unless the cat is exempt from sterilisation. 

Substantial penalties may be imposed for non compliance with cat legislation.

All cats must be microchipped prior to being sold or given away, and must have an accompanying sterilisation voucher.

Dog & Cat Registration Prices

Sterilised 1 Year $20.00
3 Years $42.50
Lifetime $100.00
1 Year $50.00
3 Years $120.00
Lifetime $250.00
    • Pensioner Concession Card holders are eligible to receive a 50% concession off the above fees
    • Working dogs are 25% of the above fees.

    You can download and complete the following forms before coming in to see us if you prefer:

    Registering a dog for the first time

    Renewing a dog registration

    Cat Registration Form

    Renewing a cat registration

    Pound Services

    Under section 29(8)(c) of the Dog Act 1976, if a dog is not readily identifiable, it is to be kept and maintained in the pound for a period of 72 hours. In the circumstance that a dog is wearing a registration tag or is microchipped or the owner is otherwise readily identifiable, under section 29(8)(b) of the Dog Act 1976 they are to be kept and maintained for a period of at least 7 days after written notice is given to the owner or the owners delegate.

    Under section 34(1)(a) of the Cat Act 2011, if a cat is not readily identifiable, it is to be kept and maintained in the pound for a period of 3 working days. In the circumstance that a cat is identifiable, under section 34(1)(b) of the Cat Act 2011, they are to be held for 7 working days.

    Please be aware that before releasing a dog or cat from the Pound, payment of the below fees must be made at the Shire Administration Centre during office hours (8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday). Dogs and cats must also be registered and microchipped, and cats must be sterilised, or additional infringements may apply. All unclaimed animals will be handed over to a rescue to be re-homed.

    The Pound Fees are:

    • Impounding Fee - $85.30
    • Release Fee - $58.20
    • Sustenance Fee - $23.90 per day impounded

    Other fees may include;

    • Boarding Fee (per day) - $138.30
    • Surrender of small animal (dog/cat) - $69.20
    • Surrender of large animal (sheep/horse) - $91.00

    Harvest & Fire Bans

    Harvest, Vehicle/Machinery Movement, and Hot Works Ban 

    The Shire of Merredin issues Harvest, Vehicle / Machinery Movement, and Hot Works Ban in accordance with the Bush Fires Regulations 1954.

    The ban will be imposed when the Chief Bushfire Control Officer believes that the use of engines, vehicles, plant or machinery during the prohibited burning times is likely to cause a fire or contribute to the spread of a bushfire.

    During a Harvest and Vehicle / Machinery Movement and Hot Works Ban;

    •  The use of vehicles in paddocks is not permitted unless using a diesel vehicle for the purpose of watering and tending of livestock
    • Use or operation of any engine, vehicle, plant, equipment or machinery in the area likely to cause a bush fire or contribute to the spread of a bush fire.
    • Any “hot works” (e.g. welding, grinding, cutting, heating etc.) in the “open air” is not permitted.

    To find out if there has been a Harvest Ban imposed please call the Harvest Ban Hotline on (08) 9041 2999. You can also be added to the Harvest Ban SMS notification list by contacting (08) 9041 1611.

    Harvest and Vehicle/Machinery Movement Ban 

    The Shire of Merredin issues Harvest and Vehicle / Machinery Movement Ban in accordance with the Bush Fires Regulations 1954.

    The ban will be imposed when the Chief Bushfire Control Officer believes that the use of engines, vehicles, plant or machinery during the prohibited burning times is likely to cause a fire or contribute to the spread of a bushfire.

    During a Harvest and Vehicle / Machinery Movement Ban, the Watering of Stock is still permitted. 

    To find out if there has been a Harvest Ban imposed please call the Harvest Ban Hotline on (08) 9041 2999. You can also be added to the Harvest Ban SMS notification list by contacting (08) 9041 1611.

    Total Fire Ban 

    A TFB will be declared by Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) when extreme weather conditions are likely to result in a high risk of bushfire or if existing bushfires are stretching fire-fighting resources. A TFB prohibits the lighting of any fires in the open air as well as any other activities that may start a fire. This includes open air fires for the purpose of cooking or camping, incinerators, welding, grinding, soldering or gas cutting.

    To find out if DFES has imposed a TFB you can visit the DFES website.

    Information on bushfire safety can be viewed at My Bushfire Plan WA.

    Is there a Total Fire Ban Near You?

    Total Fire Ban Information

    Fire Contact Details

    Chief Bush Fire Control Officer Michael Caughey 0429 411 067
    Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer Michael Caughey 0429 441 067
    Shire of Merredin Fire Control Officer Sheree Lowe (08) 9041 1611
    Merredin Volunteer Fire & Rescue Service (08) 9041 2522
    Harvest Ban Hotline (08) 9041 2999 

    Off Road Vehicles

    Please note that off road vehicles driven on roads and footpaths is an illegal activity which should be reported to police.


    Council has Parking Local Laws, which designate specified areas for restricted parking. Disabled parking areas are also designated. These laws also make it illegal to park on footpaths or restrict access to public thoroughfares. Please note that compliance with Council’s Parking Local Laws is compulsory.

    It is against the law to park or stop in a parking area for people with disabilities unless the driver or the passenger is a person with disabilities and is displaying an ACROD sticker. Disobeying this law is an offence and an infringement may be issued to any vehicle parked in a disabled bay failing to display an ACROD sticker.

    Camping in Reserves

    Council does not allow camping in reserves other than those designated.

    Local Laws

    Council has a variety of local laws relating to the Ranger. Click here for more information.


    Bush Fire Brigades Local Law


    Parking & Parking Facilities Local Law

    Fire Regulations

    Council has regulations pursuant to the Bush Fires Act 1954 with regard to fire control. These include specifications on firebreaks and restricted burning dates. Annually when the Rates Notices are sent out at the beginning of the financial year a copy of your annual 'Firebreak Order' is included. Extra care should be taken to retain this document as it has useful information relating to bushfire emergencies and also contains what you, as a property owner, need to do as per the Bush Fires Act 1954 to make sure your property is prepared for bushfire season. FAILURE TO COMPLY with the ‘Fire Break order’ may result in the issuing of a modified penalty from the Shire.

    Click here to download a copy of your Firebreak Order 2023/24 which contains important dates like the Restricted & Prohibited Burning Periods.