Hero Decal

Welcome to the Shire of MERREDIN

May Ordinary Council Meeting

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 04:00 PM

Location: Council Chambers


Agenda - 23 May 2023 (779.43 KB)


Minutes - 23 May 2023 (624.48 KB)


Attachment 7.1A - Minutes - 18 April 2023 (774.28 KB)

Attachment 10.1A - Minutes BFAC AGM March 2023 (345.17 KB)

Attachment 10.2A - Minutes - GECZ 17 April 2023 (314.51 KB)

Attachment 10.3A - WEROC Inc. Board Meeting Minutes 26042023 (693.63 KB)

Attachment 10.4A - Minutes Shire of Merredin LEMC 4 May 2023 (275.54 KB)

Attachment 14.1A - Statement of Financial Activity (537.03 KB)

Attachment 14.1B - Detailed Statements (759.27 KB)

Attachment 14.1C - Capital Works Progress (283.25 KB)

Attachment 14.1D - Investment Report (190.09 KB)

Attachment 14.3A - Salaries and Allowances Determination 2023 (429.98 KB)

Attachment 14.4A - Shire of Merredin Register of Delegated Authority – track changes (664.05 KB)

Attachment 14.4B - Shire of Merredin Register of Delegated Authority (571.17 KB)

Attachment 14.5A - Policy 3.12 Purchasing Policy (track changes) (474.32 KB)

Attachment 14.5B - Policy 3.12 Purchasing Policy (final) (379.93 KB)

Attachment 15.1A - Policy 4.2 – Harvest Bans (current) (173.14 KB)

Attachment 15.1B - Policy 4.2 – Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans (revised) (295.60 KB)

Attachment 15.1C - Policy 4.3 – Use of Shire Equipment and Resources for Firefighting Purposes (259.45 KB)

Attachment 15.1D - Policy 4.4 Hazard Reduction Burns by Bush Fire Brigades (303.51 KB)

Attachment 15.1E - Policy 4.5 – Children on the Fire Ground (269.93 KB)

Attachment 15.1F - Policy 4.6 – Honorarium for Chief Bush Fire Control Officer and Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officer (241.45 KB)

Attachment 15.2A - Memorandum of Understanding 2023-2026 between AGO and CWVC (198.85 KB)

Attachment 15.3A - Memorandum of Understanding (93.95 KB)

Attachment 16.1A - Status Report – May 2023 (272.96 KB)

Attachment 14.2A - Payments listing - April 2023_Redacted (6.80 MB)